[new podcast] 28: Take a July Walk With Me in Tuscany

Episode 28

Take a July Walk With Me in Tuscany

Hey, Reader,

Here I am again to let you know there's a brand new episode from Magic, Medicine and Mayhem. Are you ready to leave the daily grind behind and take a refreshing stroll with me out in the Tuscan countryside?

Reconnect with nature. Re-wild. We hear these phrases a lot these days, but what do they actually mean? How can someone in this busy modern world plug themselves back into nature?

Find out when you come on a walk with me in Tuscany. It's July, so we're going outside together to see what July looks like, smells like and feels like. As I wander through olive groves and oak forests, you'll see what I see and hear what I hear in this unscripted episode. Plus, we'll have an ambient break where you'll have the precious opportunity to immerse yourself in nature from the comfort of your own home or car.

Who's ready for a romp in the great outdoors?

Listen on: Apple iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify
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I’d love to know what you learn from the episode--in fact, I'd love to hear from you at anytime. Let me know what resonated with you, what you'd like to hear more of, and what I can do to support you on your journey.

Sylva Florence

Writer, Podcaster and Intuitive Healer


“I’ve been listening to Sylva’s podcast since she started it. It has been truly inspiring… Please take time to listen to it.”

— Cindy J.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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